Mindfulness Practices

  • Amal Jaffar – Meditation Breathing and Yoga- www.amaljaffar.com
  • Neeraja is a certified and experienced, Traditional Usui Reiki Grandmaster practising for 18 years, Pranic Healer for 8 years, Access Bars Practitioner since 2019 and Opening of the Symphony of Possibilities Practitioner since 2023. Neeru has been undertaking private sessions for patients who reach out through THINK PINK’s ‘Patient Support’ endeavour to provide holistic sessions. Awaken the harmony of mind & body with transformative energy healing!  Through Usui Reiki (it’s a hands-on, energy healing modality where universal energy is channeled during the session), Pranic Healing (an energy healing approach which uses protocols to cleanse and energise), Access Bars (the sessions involve gently touching 32 points on the head that unlocks and releases physical mental emotional blocks), and Symphony of Possibilities (an energy session that helps you explore possibilities for healing and growth) sessions, Neeru contributes to clear energetic blockages, release limitations, reduce stress, quiet mind chatter, restore balance and overall support physical, emotional, and mental well-being. You are invited to book your session today and embrace a journey of infinite possibilities with her sessions!  INSTAGRAM @a.cup.of.healing WHATSAPP message to book appointment 37772917
  • Karima (@soundhealing.byKarima-bh) WhatsApp only 38208010- Certified Sound Meditation & Sound Massage Practitioner

Lymphoedemia Treatment

12 qualified Klose Clinic certified physios for lymphoedema bandaging are at three locations: BDF, KHUH and SMC Physiotherapy Departments


Bio Lab – two locations 17001688/17001686 info@biolabbh.com

  • Clinic 12- Al Reaya Medical Building Salmanyia
  • Clinic 16- Royan Pharmay Building Budiya

* specific criteria required for the BRCA I and BRCA II genetic testing to be covered and a consultation letter from the patients’ breast cancer team**

Awal Medical Supplies (Isa Town)

* customised lymphoedema arm sleeves – specific criteria and measurements required from your physiotherapist to proceed- local agent and takes up to  14 days once approved- contact Think Pink**

Sehati Application

Directly or via Ministry of Health website- appointments for Monday’s breast clinic at SMC

Dr Lamya (Private Radiographer) either at Royal Bahrain 17246973/17246800 or Al Kindi 17240414/17240489

Dr Amal Al Rayees – Al Kindi Hospital 17240444

Dr Nuha Birdi at KHUH

Dr Iris Erber at KHUH


Where are you based?

We are a locally based NGO out of the Kingdom of Bahrain. All our Board and volunteers work full time if different business streams and donate their time and expertise to support the Charity itself. We adhere to the governance of Bahrain, which is inclusive of the Kingdom’s Decrees, which does NOT allow donations or charity events funds to be sent abroad or donations to be received from outside of Bahrain (Decree 50 2011).

We are non-paid volunteers

Our remit from inception was to support the system itself. Nationals within Bahrain are funded by the government to have treatment within the three teaching hospitals. Expatriates must pay for their treatment which can dependent on the services and treatment that they need. We support ALL patients where we can post care through our partnerships and are there to guide through the process and support the navigation of the breast cancer pathway

We have partnerships with BioLab and your consultant can make contact with the Charity to see if you fit the criteria for BRCA 1 BRCA II testing and will be funded by the Charity. We also have a collaboration with a company who customises lymphodema bandages for breast cancer patients- but you will need your physio to get in contact with the Charity to provide details

There are many different support groups on the island. We have been supporting the Bahrain Breast Cancer Support & Wellness Group (BBCSG) which is a group of volunteers supporting breast cancer patients with post care



+973 3956 7322


Bahrain Cancer Society (BCS)
P.O. Box 1499
Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain
+973 17233080,
Fax: +973 17233611

Fill in our volunteer forms that are linked within our social media bio and email across to info@thinkpinkbahrain.com

First coined by the activist group Breast Cancer Action (BCA) the official definition of a “pinkwasher” is “a company or organisations that claims to care about breast cancer by promoting or adding the pink ribbon to a product or service, but at the same time- produces, manufactures and/or sells products that are linked to the disease”. The term pinkwashing is typically applied much more broadly these nowdays. It is often used to describe companies and cause marketing campaigns that utilise the ribbons and other breast cancer awareness iconography but fail to make significant enough commitment to helping improve the lives of breast cancer patients and their families.

We are not a franchise or part of a bigger international Charity. We were established in 2004 and registered accordingly. There are other “think pink” entities (both charity and businesses) in Australia, Belgium, Europe and the UK- all of which commenced after our 2004 registration.

Think Pink is registered under Bahrain Breast Cancer Society and the use of its name in promotion of products and services without formal channels is not permitted. Should you wish to register your interest in supporting the Charity please email us: info@thinkpinkbahrain.com

The term Think Pink was coined and used in Bahrain from 2004 and is recognized by the Ministry of Labour & Social Development, National Health Regulatory Authority (NHRA), Ministry of Health (MOH), Supreme Council of Health (SCH), European Commission (EC), GIN (Guideline International Network) and the Centre for Clinical Evidence & Guideline Trust (ERCI)

Although breast cancer is usually seen as a woman’s disease, a little under 1-2% of all breast cancers occur in men, so it is more common than most people think. Men who have relatively high female hormone levels are at increased risk of developing breast cancer. In Bahrain we have noticed, that whilst a very small number, we are having men present with breast cancer.

Acknowledging is the first. You need to know that when one finds a lump, 90% of the lumps don’t result in breast cancer. You need to access a specialist doctor or your Obs & Gyn to do a clinical examination and have a discussion about risks, harms and benefits.

Unfortunately, October does come every year, with lot of pink washing which can scare people- like for example the discount women’s health tests such as mammography being offered across the island. International best practice is to NOT screen a healthy population without doctor/patient discussion to their harms and benefits.